
3d art digital patreon
3d art digital patreon

3d art digital patreon 3d art digital patreon

I never put down a single stroke of paint. I had to forfeit my lease on the painting studio pretty much a week after I signed the lease. I was always stressed and never felt satisfied so I later quit and poured my entire being into h99 & underpaid freelance work. It came with many perks and I enjoyed full time pay, health benefits, a huge office with free snacks, etc. The 3D I did for the rest of 2018 and the first half of 2019 was practice material for my then full-time 3D start up job. I disclosed this in a few online interviews early on when my 3D nails & 3D makeup stuff gained traction with fashion editorials. I had to learn on the job, usually stay 3-5 hours after work just to study and practice. I can't disclose much about the job bc NDA but I basically started working for this startup as the one and only 3D person putting out 3D work every single day. however the same day I signed the lease, a friend I met months prior told me to come to a meeting with his business partner about a 3D startup. Like all I brought to NY were paintbrushes, paint, and my first lease wasn't even an apt it was a studio I rented from a girl doing ceramics. I moved to New York from San Francisco in the summer of 2018 to become a painter. *mini lifestory explanation start* you can skip this part if you already know! In fact the whole reason I got into 3D art was nothing short of a fluke.

3d art digital patreon

Now if you're here for 3D please understand I have no intention to quit, I just got horribly burned out from working with a gazillion clients who don't understand how 3D works. So I'm still editing the next videos for my zbrush tutorial series but in the meantime, since i am taking a short break from 3D freelance I decided to draw & paint.

3d art digital patreon