Mutant Year Zero's set a few centuries into the future, where the world is trashed by reasons long-since forgotten and civilisation clings on in one settlement surrounded by hordes of scavenging mutantmen.

For folks who were already Stalking around the Zone, hey, a new challenge mode with leaderboards launched this week too. It's a bit XCOM-meets-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-meets-Howard The Duck-meets-Hitman, and really quite a bit good. All and sundry are now invited to try out 2018's delightful tactics 'em up for free, sneaking and shooting through the post-apocalyptic wasteland full of mutants and oddities in the game's opening stages.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, engages in turn-based tactical combat like a duck, and is free to look at like a duck, it must be a demo for Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden.