If the issue still exists, as an fixed solution, please consider modify the configuration file of your canvas app, then remove the unwanted connection definition there. Then re-create a new flow without connection, then re-create a new connection to your flow from your app, re-publish your app, check if the issue is solved. Please consider remove the flow connection from your app, and remove the flow on your side. Have you added the connection in your app or flow, and then remove it? If you added the connection in your app or flow, then save your app or flow, then remove the connection from your canvas app or flow, even though, the connection has been removed from your app or flow, but when you run the published app, it would still prompt you to create a connection to connection. But according to the screenshot that you mentioned, it means that you have added a connection in your canvas app or your flow. Hi I could not reproduce your issue on my side.